[ Update (April 2013): How to perform this task with ‘pdadmin’ utility. ]
By default WebSEAL junctions do not require any specific authentication for external access – they just derive the default ACL definition of the WebSEAL. However, this default ACL does not allow access to unauthenticated users. So, efficiently the users have to pass authentication with any available authentication method to gain access rights for the junction that does not need any specific authentication.
Here I will explain how to define unauthenticated junction – a junction that allows access to any user, including users that did not pass WebSEAL authentication at all. In fact, creating unauthenticated junction in WebSEAL is super-easy and super-simple when you are experienced WebSEAL professional. If you are a newbie or WebSEAL administration is not among your main tasks, the logic of this flow is not so trivial to guess (or even recall). Continue reading “Unauthenticated Access to WebSEAL Junctions”